Do your current base pay practices and policies support your compensation philosophy ? Are you able to attract, retain and motivate your workforce? If you can't answer these questions, QCCC can help!
Are your current incentive plans resulting in the company performance and behaviors that are expected? Maybe you don't have a formal plan design, but need one for your growing company? QCCC can help!
Are you offering the right long term incentive vehicles , and mix, to align your employees with your shareholders? Do you have the expertise to handle the required SEC filings? Your proxy is a large, time consuming beast - QCCC can help!
Executives are special and should be treated as such. They are the leaders of your business, the strategists, the long term results oriented team. Are your executive compensation packages attracting, retaining and motivating them?
Think of your employees as puzzle pieces. You may have 200 pieces; you may have 20,000 pieces. Do they fit together? Do they make logical sense not only up and down but across? This foundational work can pay big dividends in your total rewards philosophy!
Mergers. Acquisitions. Spin-offs. Divestitures. Reorganizations. QCCC has been through them all! Utilize QCCC's experiences to help guide you through what can be tough times. An extra pair of experienced hands with proven processes will come in quite handy during these corporate actions.
How many times do you hear someone in your organization say "But we've always done it this way."? Likely more than you realize. At times, even if it works, processes can be assessed and improved with a little time and effort! Let QCCC be that independent 3rd party voice of reason.
A "Thank You" can go a long way! It can be big or small, and even the smallest amount of recognition can give a big return on investment. Let QCCC guide you through numerous opportunities to explore the forms of employee recognition.
Qualified and Non-Qualified Defined Contribution plans as well as Defined Benefit Plans. From plan administration to vendor partners and best practices in corporate governance around ERISA protected employee benefits.